Just a little rain! |
Hey Mom!
So This past week wasn't too shabby! We didn't have too much going on. Just a lot of bike riding and tracting and trying to do missionary work! Lot of rain and Hot humid days! haha We finally decided to take the long super hilly bike ride to the far corner of our area a couple times. Twice.. That bike ride sucks... haha I hate hills. (Can you tell I ride downhilll Mtn Bike?) haha either way. That wasn't too fruitful. But the one way we took had a super sweet scenic way. So that made it worth it! (kinda!)
We got a chance to have interviews with President Daines. Both President and Sister Daines are amazing! I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little bummed I won't get to know them too well. But I do know President and Sister Nilsen were the ones that I needed. Either way. It's still kind of a weird though. But President Daines brought up a way to help me not plateau. And he used Ether 12:27 where it talks about weaknesses. Now I've always used that scripture and know it really well. But I never looked at it in the light of physical and spiritual progression. As in actually asking the Lord to show me what I need to work on next. So that was kind of cool cause I'm trying hard to not plateau and keep growing. But it's sometimes hard when not a whole lot is happening! But I'm actually doing really well!
Umm... Honestly.. I don't have too much to write about.. Which is a first. Because I usually do. But Richard and Tina are doing well. We had a pretty good dinner with them at the Bishops home and had a good lesson. (The Spirit is sooo different at a members home..) and that was good. We're trying to really figure out what they need next. For one they need to realize the key factor of the Restoration and the Priesthood Authority. So we're working on that. But They're doing pretty well. They've come to church for the past 3 weeks and that's good. They still have a hard time getting much out of it just because of their granddaughters so we're working on that. Saturday we did like 9 hours of service between two projects. haha. It was good cause it was a nice break from the monotony we've been in. The first project we did demolition for a member who's moving in soon. So we tore apart their basement from mold and such. And that's when I stepped on a nice fat nail and it went pretty far in my foot. So that was fun. Nothing special. And they got us Pizza for lunch. It was really good and I pounded four pieces of this deep dish pizza only it wasn't filling at all... Then we go and help Richard and Tina with laying some cement for these stairs they put in the backyard and we got more pizza from that. Funny thing is though. It was the same exact pizza. Like 100% Identical. and I pounded another 5 pieces of that.. Yeah It was a fun little binge haha. I'm actually mad I didn't get pictures of any of it cause that was like the most eventful thing that's happened. And we also talked to this older Korean lady and taught her and her American husband a little about the gospel. It went alright but she LOADED us up with sooo much food... Like two full take out boxes of brownies. Half a German Chocolate Cake and 3 sweet melons... haha I'm glad E. Bullock eats most of it before I ever get a chance to. I can't do sweets too much anymore. Unless it's Ice Cream. So that was kinda funny. So yeah. That's pretty much it. Mom if you wanna ya know... Send me a care package. That'd really make my week! haha Some gum would be grand. Maybe some Oldspice Lionpride Bodywash.. Deoderant. Airheads... A letter from everyone? Just throwin out ideas :P haha Welp. I love you all! Hope you have a great week!
Elder Derrek Bowler